Route 30 Landslide Stabilization
A major landslide along PennDOT’s Route 30 in the East Pittsburgh suburbs shut down that major thoroughfare. PennDOT mobilized engineers and contractors quickly to stabilize and rebuild the roadway. Howard was subcontracted to perform the permanent rock anchor installation for the retaining wall designed to stabilize the hillside adjacent to the roadway. Forty permanent rock anchors with a design load of 100 kips each were installed. The anchors were sixty-five foot long with permanent casing to top of rock installed through rock fill behind the new wall. Bond zone for the anchors was in sandstone. Since the roadway was shut down, the work had to be performed on a seven-day-a-week basis until sufficient work was accomplished to allow the roadway to be re-opened. Drilling and installation took thirteen days including water testing and grouting/redrilling of certain holes. Testing took five days including four performance tests and two creep tests. Approximately fifty percent of the work was done from an elevated deck, and the remaining done from a fill bench.
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